

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Since we've been home...

Leta is a very sleepy baby, which is nice. She is awake more than Luke was at this age, however. She usually has awake time 3 times a day. She is a tummy and side sleeper. I put her on her side at night and at this point it seems like she'll sleep a bit longer that way, but it could be a coincidence.

Luke got Croup again, soon after us being home. And I'm sure it was because he was so run down from not sleeping well (due to his hard time adjusting etc). Right now I have caught his cold and so did Kyle. Kyle barely got it, but mine is no fun. Leta has it, too. She is congested and has a congested sounding cough. She hasn't been eating very well these past few days.

Mom and Dad are here right now to visit. They drove down partway after mom got off work Wednesday evening and then got up early and finished the trip. They arrived here Thursday morning around 8. Luke was very happy to see them when he woke up. It iced Thursday, and snowed yesterday so Luke has had a lot of fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa and playing in the snow. Luke is almost all over his cold, just a bit of a cough left, so hopefully the rest of us will be following suit before long.

For the past 3 days I have been nursing Leta around 10pm and then again at 3:30am and again at 7:30am (her "wake up it's morning!" time). So we have been doing good at night. I don't know if this will stick after she is all better and her appetite returns to normal. I hope so! I'm enjoying only getting up once in the night.

The Big Day

Wednesday, January 13th. I had a few contractions throughout the morning that were painful. They were more in my lower abdomen and painful and felt more "cramping" than "contraction" so I wasn't sure that they were contractions. But they did hurt and I complained to Kyle about them. I had a doctors appointment at 2:15 that day so I wasn't too concerned about them because I knew I'd be able to ask my doctor about them and he could tell me if they were contractions or not. On the drive to the doctors my contractions picked up and seemed to become more regular and I'd decided that they really were contractions. I didn't begin timing them since I was driving. I continued having them and by the time I saw Dr. Shanbour I told him I was ready to go next door and have the baby and get an epidural. However, since I hadn't been timing them he said that meant they weren't regular and I had to go home. So I started timing when I left. I went to target to get a few things and by the time I got home, my contractions were 4 minutes apart and had been for the required hour. So we called our neighbor and she came down to stay with Luke and Kyle and I turned around and went back to the hospital.

By the time we got to the hospital I was ready to tell all the nurses about how I was ready for the epidural and that they should go fine the anesthesiologist. I did get some sort of pain meds while I was waiting for the epidural that made me feel like I weighed a million pounds and feel very sleepy.

We got to the hospital around 5:30 and I progressed pretty rapidly, but then when I got dilated to a 9 I stalled out there for a while so it was 10:40 before I delivered.

I was bleeding a little bit so the nurses called the doctor a little sooner than normal (usually he likes to show up and take over after the baby has crowned). So he arrived and Leta hadn't crowned yet so he came in and sat on the couch and was messing around on his phone, so I teased him that all he does is catch and here I am pushing and working hard and the nurses were working hard and there he sat texting on his phone...turns out it was worse. He was playing Solitaire. So that's why he was holding up his phone in the picture with Leta. He was pretty disappointed that you couldn't tell that it was Solitaire on his phone.

Leta was turned wrong so he did have to turn her. She did well and I got to hold her right away and Kyle got to cut the cord.

Since Luke had been sick and were weren't completely sure he was over it, Kyle went home at night, just in case he got sick again. I checked out Friday morning and we were home by Friday noon. Luke was very excited to meet Leta. He sure does love his little sister. He gives her lots of kisses and whenever she cries in her pack-n-play, he runs over and tells her, "It's okay, Leta."

Luke had a very hard time adjusting to being a family of 4. He was very cranky and fussy and threw lots of fits and didn't sleep well. I am just now feeling like we are over that hump, although naps aren't quite back to what they should be, but we're still working on it!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Leta's first Doctor Visit

Yes. She really IS this cute.

Leta had her first Doctors appointment today. She was successful and did a good job. Luke didn't think Dr. Stephen's should get to hold her, though so he had to sit on the exam table with them to monitor him to make sure he treated his baby sister right.

Leta weighed 7 lbs 2oz so she's gained back to her birth weight, plus some. And that time I put her in the dryer, I must have used to high of a setting because she is now 19 1/2 in. and the nurse was pulling her leg as straight as it would go, so I think the 20" they told us at the hospital was a little off.

The first night home she was horrible and would sleep or be soothed...until 7:30 in the morning, when she went to sleep perfectly in her pack-n-play. Ever since then, she's been terrific with having 2-3 times of wakefulness during the day. She's been sleeping close to 4 hrs at a stretch at night with her morning wake up time at 7:30. Since she's back to her birth weight, she may now go 5 hours the first stretch if she will and then 4 hrs and then 3 during the day etc. I'm excited to set my alarm for a 5 hr stretch tonight, although I'm quite sure the alarm won't be needed and she'll be getting me before then. But, one can always hope.

We're slowly adjusting to being a family of 4. Luke loves his sister and doesn't blame her for him not being the center of my world anymore, but he missed his place there none-the-less. He's been very cranky every day since we've come home and hasn't been sleeping as late in the mornings as normal or as long at nap time either. We're working on it. He also thinks I should do nothing besides play with him when I'm not nursing Leta. I've been working on putting my laundry away since Monday, and my shower last night at 8:15 was my first one since Monday. But, no one has starved yet. Kyle is looking a little gaunt, but other than that...

I am trying to nap in the afternoons when Luke goes down for his nap, but it doesn't always work. Today is one of those days. The doctors appointment this morning threw off Leta's nursing schedule so she'll eat again during my nap time (how rude!), but at least I'm going to get some things done. So I guess I'll just have to live with today's tiredness.

Monday Johnny came and took newborn pictures of Leta for us. There are a few at the top of this post. You can see Luke doing his "monkey face". A new favorite.

Leta has also been a side sleeper up until now, I just put her on her tummy for the first time. She's asleep right now so I guess she likes it just fine. We'll see.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Leta Elaine Soper

6 lbs. 11oz.
20 inches long
1/13/10 at 10:40pm

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Possibly back from the brink.

Luke threw up again last night at midnight. He broke a nearly 40 hr throw up free streak. So, we'll see what today holds. He's eating breakfast like he's never eaten before.

Luke this morning:

Luke: That funny Mommy.
Me: That is NOT funny.
Luke: Grandma thinks its funny.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back from the Brink.

We've had a rough weekend here at the Soper house. It all began when Luke threw up BIG three times after Body and Soul Friday morning. And then during his nap. And then twice in the night. And then again Saturday during the day. And Saturday night. And Sunday morning.

That's when things got bad. Sunday afternoon Kyle and I got it. At the same time. Kyle's throw up schedule was about 5 minutes ahead of mine. At one point I was able to get a sandwich made for Luke for his supper and then I had to lay down. Sometime after that Kyle was able to get him down from his chair. I don't know how long he sat there or how much he ate... Kyle stumbled back to bed and I was on the couch. I put America's Funniest Home Videos on for Luke (he loves that show) and around 7:30 he started asking to go to bed (that's when you KNOW your two year old is sick). I could tell I was about to throw up and wouldn't be able to make it up the stairs with him and I could hear Kyle throwing up, so I had to tell Luke, "Wait until Daddy is done throwing up and then he can take you to bed." Kyle and I were not functioning well at all so we called Grandpa Wilbur and Georgeanne to come spend the night with us in case Luke got sick again. He did at 2am and I was able to go up and help with that so I was feeling some better.

Monday morning I noticed that while I was feeling a bit better, I hadn't been feeling Leta move so I called the Dr. and at 38+ weeks they had me go to the hospital and get hooked up to monitor Leta's heart rate. I got to the hospital at 10am (was driven by a friend) and got home at 3. She was "non reactive". They knew it wasn't an emergency situation, but when watching a babies heart rate, their HR is supposed to spike twice every 10 minutes and they should sustain that for 30 minutes. Well drinking juice and having a meal wouldn't have the lasting effect that they needed it to so they decided they decided I needed an ultra sound, which she passed 8/8 so I was sent home. The final decision was that with me being sick and not eating and not able to keep anything down and getting dehydrated that she was feeling it. Thankfully I got well relatively soon and we're on the mend now and I can feel that Leta is getting to be more her normal self. And I go to the doctor again Wednesday.

AND the best news. Luke didn't throw up at all last night or today. Kyle and I got a full nights sleep last night...much needed. I think we may finally be on the mend around here.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dr. Appt.

I had a Dr. appointment today. Leta and I are doing fine. I'm dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. Whatever that means =). They were really busy so I suggested to Dr. Shanbour that if I just had Leta NOW that would help with his busy day....I got turned down.

Today when I got home Kyle and I were talking and Luke says, "More boring Dad talk." That's a quote from his "Luke on the Loose" comic book.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Seen and Heard

This morning at breakfast:

I was making Luke a scrambled egg. He watched me get it, and crack it into the pan (one handed I might add since he "needed" held). Luke says, "Baby bird in egg!"

Kyle leaves for the gym:

"See ya boy-eeeeeee"

At lunch:

"Need protein shake like Daddy." Repeats until I take his milk and use the drink mixer on it and tell him it's a protein shake.

Monday, January 4, 2010


at his own suggestion, went potty in the toilet tonight with Kyle!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Here are my resolutions from last year. How did I do?
For Myself
  1. Always make plenty of time for my bible study --D
  2. Send birthday cards --F
  3. Do a better job maintaining a picked up house, especially kitchen --C
  4. More consistency with Luke --B

For Luke

  1. Learn some words --A+
  2. Less whining --C
  3. No touching the microwave --C

Luke for Mommy

  1. Stop wiping my nose/hands/face --F
  2. Longer bath time --B
  3. Play outside more --B
Hopefully I'll do better this year!

For myself:
1. More intentional with time spent
2. Maintain a clean kitchen
3. Always make time for bible study
4. Be more consistent with Luke
5. Send Birthday cards!
6. Lose the baby weight (plus some!) and get back into shape!!

For Luke:
1. Less whining.
2. Come when I tell him.
3. Obey more consistently with a quicker response time.
4. Play by himself while I'm nursing Leta.
5. Potty trained.

Luke for Mommy:
1. Play in the park/outside more.
2. Stop wiping my face.
3. More baths/ water fun!

A Year in Review

2009: A Year in Review

  • Continued building lake house on Grand Lake
  • Luke begins climbing into the cabinets
  • L ate a crayon
  • Gymboree is big fun!
  • Luke gets croup
  • Trip to Ponca City
  • Says first word: Car
  • R is enjoying couponing and getting free stuff!
  • Gets first 1 yr molar
  • Trip to Ponca City
  • L adding more and more words!
  • Another bout of croup
  • R begins meal planning
  • Visit from Michael, Audra, and Solomon
  • L gets suspenders
  • L discovers his love of frozen blueberries
  • L says first sentence, "Bye Bye Daddy!"
  • Kyle turns 31
  • Swimming lessons for L
  • K does lots of coding
  • K lines several beds in backyard with rock. Looks great!
  • Visit from the Herrington's
  • L plays fetch with the dogs
  • Easter bunny visits L
  • R has a shopping trip to Dallas with Cindy and Shanna
  • L finger paints for the first time
  • Loves his Boo Boo Ball
  • Trip to Omaha
  • R obtains B&S approval to teach Power Strength
  • K gets new computer
  • R gets root canal
  • Mom and dad visit
  • K visit's Jeremy and Dana
  • Play set construction begins
  • Luke takes just 1 nap/day
  • Amelia's born! (Niece)
  • K to Dana's
  • Breaking news: I'm pregnant!
  • Many trips to the lake.
  • L likes to play in lawn sprinklers
  • Play set finished!
  • Luke puts a toy in time out and then deliberately gets sent there.
  • Trip to spray grounds
  • Visit from Pappaw and Grandma Key and my mom
  • Kyle's family spends the 4th with us at the lake. Super fun!
  • L tells his first lie. On purpose.
  • Trips to the lake!
  • Weekend trips to the lake house!
  • Luke imagines monkeys in his crib
  • Find out we're having a girl!
  • Swimming lessons
  • My dad visits us at the lake!
  • Named baby: Leta Elaine Soper
  • L loves track
  • Trip to Nebraska!
  • Ride Thomas the Train
  • Parkhurst pumpkin patch
  • Happy 2nd birthday Luke!
  • Switch to Big Boy Bed!
  • Carve jack-o-lantern
  • Storybook Forest
  • Orr Family Farm
  • Trick-or-Treating!
  • Visits the fire station
  • Have 2 yr pictures taken
  • Leta's B&S baby shower
  • Thanksgiving in Ponca City
  • K finishes Leta's room
  • K hunts with Jeremy
  • R has B&S workshop. Leads Boot Camp training
  • Girls Night to the Melting Pot
  • Ride the Polar Express
  • Wonderful white Christmas at home
  • Plays in snow: sledding, snowman, gets pulled in laundry basket behind 4-wheeler