

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Gettin' Big

Luke is doing great and getting bigger! We went to our second visit to the pediatrician this past Thursday and he weighed 6lb 8oz (yes, he gained 10oz in 1 week!!!) and was 19 in long. Both measurements are in the 10-15% range for his age....but seeings as he's not supposed to be here for another week yet, I'd say he's doing great!

He has spit up a few times at night in his sleep, which makes me extremely nervous, and so our pediatrician told us to put him to sleep on his stomach, and so we have been! He spit up one more time since the tummy switch, but at least it just went all over the Pack N Play!

Our friend Johnny Sandoval (you may remember that he took our wedding pictures) came over Thursday night and took pictures of Luke for us...our first professional ones. They turned out GREAT!! I've put one of my favorites here, and will work on getting them all posted on Kyle's website. for those of you who want to check it out. I'll work on getting that done this week. Also, I'm going to post on the website two sizes for each picture. The large one would be the one to download and get printed off, but the smaller one will load faster, which will help those of you with dial up or DSL. I'll try to get the pictures already on there in the smaller size as well. I'll have to have Kyle teach me how.

Luke is still waking up to be fed every 3 to 31/2 hrs at night to eat...even though we're now allowed to let him go 4 hrs at a time. He must not have gotten the memo. Kyle helps with the evening and morning feedings allowing me to go to bed early (usually before 9!) and sleep late. That's really helped me a lot. I generally don't need to take a nap during the day then. I usually do rest a while though, and even if I don't fall asleep it sure does help!

I guess that's all that's new here!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic! He's so darn cute and so tiny!!! How sweet! That's so cool you have your own personal photographers!!! Lucky Luke gets to be a belly sleeper already!! Evey would be jealous! Glad to hear all is well at the Soper home!
