

Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's all about me...

Even though our minister, Mark Henderson, said it's NOT all about me...this really is.

The Rules: Link to the person that tagged you (Aubrey) and post the rules on your blog. Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog or Share the 5 top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list. or Share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when your were 25 years old. Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.

Well, since I'm the tagee and have choices, I choose to tag no one. So ha! And since 25 was only a year ago, I'll not choose that one. I guess I'll go with Random Facts.

1. My clothes in my closet are arranged by sleeve length and then ROYGBIV. On all white hangers. My shoes are all in clear plastic tubs. I have flip flops, open toed, close-toed black, close-toed brown, and tennis shoes.

2. I graduated from High School with 33 other people.

3. I have a hard time matching my clothes. Kyle has to help. I will say I'm getting better.

4. We have plastic cups. Like colors have to be stacked, with the lighter of the two on top. I thought this would come to an end with Lukes arrival...but I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!

5. I insist that Kyle and Traver put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher...and then rearrange it every time so that it's RIGHT.

My list leads me to ask I diagnosable? *pondering the thought*

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