

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Busy busy terribly busy...

Luke is...always, and we have been, too! First Doug, JoAnn and Jimmy! stopped by and visited us for a few hours last Sunday. They were on their way to Nebraska by way of the largest ball of twine and the geographical center of the 48 states, so they stopped by on their way to Ponca City. We waited for Luke to wake up from his nap and then we headed to Pops for supper. They decided it was something. We had a nice afternoon/early evening and then they headed out.

This past Thursday we had Brandon and Shanna Hayes over for Shanna's birthday. It seems as though we don't see anyone as much as we used to since Luke was born (I'm thinking most of you can relate to that) so it's always good times when they come over.

Saturday evening Johnny, Cindy, Damian, and Isaac Sandoval came over for supper and to play baseball in the yard. Damian had been looking forward to that. This was the first time Luke was really into the boys and wanted to be by them and with them. It was so sweet to see...and FUN! He just kept looking at Isaac and laughing and the boys brought toys for him to play with and they made a little tent and they all 3 got inside... It's hard for me to describe how it made me feel to watch him playing with our friends' kids. I guess just something I'd really been anxiously awaiting and wanting and didn't even really know it. I suppose he's fulfilled one of my dreams for him! Well done, Luke!! hahaha. Johnny also brought his camera and got some great shots of Luke. He's so good. We're having him take 1 year pictures of Luke. I can hardly wait.
Later that night Doug, JoAnn and Jimmy! arrived and they spent the night on their way back through to Houston. We stayed up until 1am talking to them. It was nice to get caught up and just hang out. We decided that we'd go to the late service that way they could see Luke a little more (his naps were cramping his bonding time with his aunt)...and not having to wake up early was nice, too! Then we realized that Luke eats at 11, the same time as second service so we skipped church!! and we liked it! gasp. We'll be there for sure this Sunday.

Kyle's mom and Hap arrived Tuesday early afternoon and spent the night. We went to Pops with them as well for supper. It's the thing to do when you come visit us. If you haven't been, well it's something to look forward to. That and the NBA team we're getting! Luke loved his Grandma Binky and Grandpa Hap and they, of course, loved him. They hadn't seen him since Christmas, so they we're needing a fix. Hap and Vicki were en route home from their vacation to Montana (just outside of Helena) and they had lots of beautiful pictures to show us. Montana is nicer to look at than Oklahoma. *sigh* They babysat Luke Wednesday morning while I was at Body and Soul and then headed out to spend the day with Grandpa Wilbur and Georgeanne. Wednesday evening we all went out to eat for a last Hurrah before they headed home.

Our baby gates for the stairs came in. We got two gates, one for the top and one for the bottom, two small extender kits (because our stairs are wider than normal), 2 banister kits, and 2 spindle kits (because of the way the stairs are, there isn't dry wall to attach them to). We almost had to take a second mortgage, but we managed somehow. Gates are expensive. But, like Michael said, much better than picking up a crying baby at the bottom of the stairs.

The next few weeks appear to be a little slower around here. Luke does turn nine months! old next week and has a trip to the pediatrician on Friday. I don't think he has any shots this time. I'll probably post after the doctor visit with his new "stats".

1 comment:

  1. your baby boy will soon be a toddler from the sounds of it! I love Lukes big personality! he's quite the character! wonder where he gets it?

    Props to the folks visiting Montana.... yes it is quite gorgeous!
