

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Last night Luke and I were playing on the floor when he yelled, "I love Jesus!" So we take turns yelling, "I love Jesus!". Very cute. I think to myself, "I need to post this on the blog. This is too cute."

This morning at church, during the sermon--when all is quiet, Luke yells, "I LOVE JESUS!" Cute, but would've been cuter if the people surrounding us could've understood what he was saying. But, yelling out in church is not to be encouraged, so I put him in my lap and tell him we can't yell in church, and if he yells again, I will give him a thump. He yells, "I LOVE JESUS!".

So I thumped him. Yes. I thumped Luke for yelling that he loved Jesus in church. Let's just hope he got that it was for yelling.

This makes me think of Luke's 15 month well baby check up when I was concerned that he didn't have any words yet. So I voiced my concerns to Luke's pediatrician. His response? "Good. This way you don't have to teach him to shut up." Ah, those were the days.


  1. Just start going to a Pentacostal church.

  2. Maybe you don't need to, as others may think he is speak in tongues, however, you are there to interpret and the message would have been edifying to others, so I would suppose that should open your selection back up again?
