

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another trip to the Doctor.

My poor little boy. He finished his second round of antibiotics on Monday. He woke up in the night Wednesday night and last night. Last night he was up for hours before he went back to sleep. He had a low grade fever when he woke this morning and we talked about taking him back to the doctor, but decided to wait. I gave him ibuprofen before his nap (12:15). He woke from his nap at 3:30 with a temperature of 104. So we gave him some Tylenol, and read stories with an ice pack on his head while Kyle called the Doctor. His normal pediatrician was booked so Kyle got him in to a different pediatrician in the same facility. Luke ended up having to get a really strong antibiotic shot which made his leg very sore. I was promised that it would kill all bacteria and get rid of the infection completely. But, we have to take him back to the doctor in 7-10 days to make sure his ears are fluid free to see if they're draining properly. If not, then it's off to the ear, throat and nose specialist to see what the next step is. It's crazy to me that he has never had an ear infection and now he's had one for a month now and he just can't get rid of it. I feel bad for him. And Kyle and I. We are TIRED!!! On the upside... Luke has reached a new level of "Daddy's Boy", but we learned today that when his temperature reaches 104, he still wants his Mommy =)


  1. Drug names? I am not an expert, but like to know. :)

  2. Amoxicillin was first. Then the second oral started with a Z, and the third round was a series of 3 shots that were given over 5 days...don't know the name of that one either. Not very helpful.

  3. Just stick'em and take 'em home. That's what I say!

  4. Both my kids have ear tubes. Grace had chronic ear infections. Christian had one that wouldn't go away. You just never know!
