

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Leta is officially crawling. Gone are the days of the "frog lunge/worm" and army crawl. On to well coordinate hand-knee movement anywhere her little heart desires.

And she is pulling up. On the couch, end tables, toys, us, laundry basket....anything she can get to work for her.

In other news...Since Body and Soul is on a break so instructors can learn the new routines, I decided that this would be my best time to potty train Luke since we don't have to go anywhere. We are on day 3.

Day 1: No accidents. No #2 on the potty (in his diaper before we got him out of bed this morning)
Day 2: 3 accidents. 1 #2 on the potty! (much celebration and 6! yes 6! mini M&M's)
Day 3: 1 accident. 1 #2 in underware. 3 #2's in potty!
Day 4: Not finished yet, but so far no accidents and 1 #2 outside in the lawn. He was very proud of this, although he was not awarded any M&M's.

He will occasionally tell me he has to go to the bathroom (which is good) but I still have been trying to take him about every hour to prevent. When we get good at an hour, I will extend this time. He is still wearing a diaper to bed and to his naps.

Kyle is gone to Houston this weekend to see Jeremy and help him with a deer stand and ride 4-wheelers. Home alone with the potty training. And if you've noticed a certain facebook status of'll know Kyle already owes me.

Alright...for those of you who missed it:

Kyle: Did you feel that earthquake?
Me: When? Just now?
Kyle: Yeah, just a few seconds ago.
Me: That was me coming down the stairs.

9 days 'til B&S starts back.


  1. I am going to assume there is some misrepresentation here of the facts of your and Kyle's conversation!

  2. Actually, there isn't. And if you go to my wall on facebook, he even put on there for all to see that he STILL thought it was an earthquake. He is still waiting for his email allert...

  3. Okay! I posted several comments, but I don't know why they didn't stick : P Anyway...I really like your blog. You're doing a great job keeping it up! I should take a lesson : ) I'm going to check back for your menus for sure. I'm terrible at doing them right now.
    Oh, and Ethan isn't the only smarty pants! He couldn't even crawl at this date, and he's four weeks older than her!
