

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Tooth

Leta got another tooth on Friday, the 5th!  I'm usually very up-to-date on the status of Leta's teeth, and her nose has been extra runny lately, but she's also been sick (which is just now occurring to me that maybe she hasn't been sick at all and that her crankiness and fever and runny nose are teething symptoms...not illness symptoms.  However, since Luke had a fever early this week, either or both is likely).  Anyway, Kyle noticed it on Friday and I just noticed this morning.  I feel like a negligent mother.  With the time change last night we decided not to take Leta to church this morning and not short her sleep just yet, in case. But she's acting better this morning, so I'm second guessing our decision.  I suppose we'll stay home to be save (and I haven't started getting ready) and I'll work on switching her schedule tonight.

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