

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Luke!

Luke turned 5 on October 18th (yes I realize that's almost a month ago now).  He has been wanting a pet and after a visit to the pet store with Kyle he settled on a Guinea Pig.  He didn't want a fish, because you can't hold them, he didn't want a mouse because they're too fast and get away too easy and the list went on. I was actually pretty impressed with his reasoning skills, but am still not too fond of him having a guinea pig.  But he did get one, and he named it Piggy.  He lives in a cage on the window seat in his bedroom.  So far he's doing well at feeding it and there haven't been any fits about cleaning his cage, so I guess pet ownership is going well.

The 2$ I spent on party hats was the best investment of Luke's birthday, I think.  He really loved them and wore his around the house for days.

We have decided in our family that we would steal Kyle's sister, Bridgette's, idea for celebrating birthdays.  Friend parties on the big birthday years, (5, 10, 13 etc.) and family only celebrations all other years.  So that means that this was Luke's first year to have a friend party.  We went to Bouncin' Craze (an indoor inflatable play place) which is Luke's favorite place to go.  I thought the best part was getting to play when it wasn't crowded at all.  My friend, Sara (who is from Nebraska, btw) came to take pictures for us (since her boys weren't able to make it) and let me tell ya, she is much better with a camera than me!  She can consider herself invited to any of my functions from now on!

 Luke and Kenron
 Max wasn't feeling the best that day, and it shows!
 Look at those blue eyes!
 Cooper trying to help Max feel better
 Luke and Karter
 Luke, Karter, and Jack
 L, K, and J holding up their fingers to show how old they are!
 Birthday royalty!

 Kenron, Luke and Karter
 Axel, Jack, and Kenron
 Cooper, Karter, Leta and Jack
 Corey stole the show and handed out quarters for the quarter machines.
 Leta and Cooper
 Luke and his school friend, Eli
 Kyle, Max, Luke and I
Eli and Luke
Luke managed to get a black eye at his party.  I never even heard him cry (and trust me, he doesn't hold back), so when I asked him about it later he said he did cry, but he had to cry quietly because all his friends were there.  Luke has some really sweet friends.  I will pray that I can always continue saying this.

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