By a fountain in downtown Sausilito.
Downtown San Fran
Pet store in China town. Luke LOVED it. I think it was the highlight of his whole trip.
The fam at Muir park.
Mommy and Luke sitting in a hollow redwood tree trunk.
Luke and Kyle in our hotel (The Palace Hotel built in 1875) in San Fransisco.
It's been quite a while since I've posted. We've been gone for a week. We were in California from the 3rd to the 10th. I had been very worried about how Luke would do on the airplane with naps etc. but he did great. Much better than expected. He didn't sleep at all on the plane on the way there, but fell asleep in his stroller in Deven during our short layover.
We went to San Fransisco for 3 days and had big fun. We walked around down town, went to Chinatown, toured Alcatraz, saw the Sea Lions at Pier 39, drove over the Golden Gate Bridge, drove down Lombard street (the crookedest street in the world), went to Muir state park, and visited Sausilito. In three days. With a baby. We managed to accomplish a lot.
The only challenge of our trip was Luke's refusal to eat jarred baby food. He finally found two different fruit combos that he liked and a few veggies, but he wouldn't eat ANY of the meat combinations. He ate off our plates a lot.
After our three days in San Fran we drove to Roseville (just north of Sacramento) where my Body and Soul conference was. They kept me busy all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Luke and Daddy had a lot of quality time. They went to the Sacramento zoo, a dog park (with no dogs), the pet store, the mall play land, went swimming, ate at several different places, and they visited me at the workshop.
*Sidenote: Quote from Kyle, "I think I'll do something in the next Olympics. I haven't decided what. Maybe kayaking. Or sprint biking. Have you seen their legs? They're huge!"
I did 6 long workouts during the time there. We were operating on Central time, because we didn't think messing with Luke's schedule for just a week was worth it, but being in Sacramento, they, of course, were operating on Pacific time. Needless to say, going to bed at 11:30 to midnight our time and waking up at 6:45-7 wore me out as well. Luke did really good on our vacation over all, but he doesn't sleep as well in his pack n play. His naps (two a day) were always 30 min. and he was waking up at 7 instead of his more normal 8...
We're home now and working on getting back to our old schedule. He slept til 8:30 yesterday and 8 this morning and has been sleeping an hour for 2 naps with a short 3rd one...except today when he refused to take his third nap.