When I had Luke, I decided to make my own baby food. I figured with one kid, I should be able to accomplish something like that since I stay home. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I didn't think it would be that hard. I did get a couple of books, but I found them to be more useful in scheduling eating and introducing new foods etc. Since I didn't know if I'd make my own baby food for #2 I didn't want to invest a lot of money into containers to store it. I should have. With Luke I used old yogurt containers and used baby food jars that I had received from a friend. When it came time for Leta to begin eating purees, I decided to make my own again, since it was so easy last time, but this time I wanted freezable plastic containers. It was a bit tricky finding a size I wanted that didn't come in a variety set, that I could order individually. But I found some "Lock N Lock" brand on the Organize.com website. They are 6 oz. containers.
She has also had: applesauce, avocado, peas, sweet potato, carrots, acorn squash, and butternut squash. Still to come: Eggplant, zucchini, and more fruits!
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