

Friday, December 14, 2012

Lighting of the Commons

Leta really likes horses so I had decided that this year would be perfect to try to get the kids a ride on a horse drawn carriage.  I assumed it would be downtown and I was prepared to faithfully stalk Groupon in hopes of a deal.  Before we made it downtown, I found out from our small group bible study about Oklahoma Christians annual Lighting of the Commons where there are carriage rides, pictures with Santa and an outdoor concert.  And everything was free.  We were in.  We loaded up the kids on a Tuesday night, which was cold enough for heavy coats and hats, but not super cold where it would be TOO cold for the kids and create a problem.  When we arrived the line for carriage lines was long, so Kyle hopped in line right away and held our spots.  I chased the kids around (I'm not sure who had the better gig, Kyle or me) while they looked at Santa (the line was too long to sit on his lap and have a picture) and Max photo bombed a picture-taking session.  We finally headed outside and went to the outdoor concert, missing Accapella (bummer!) but we did get to hear the Summer Singers and New Rein and the kids loved it.  We stayed at the back of the crowd and Leta and Luke danced and Max worked on perfecting his "run away from Mommy" skills.  He's pretty good.  After the concert was over, they just ran up and down the sidewalks in front of the library.  Finally it was our turn, and just in time because when our ride was over, they gave the 15 minute notice. There were MANY who waited in line a long time and didn't get a chance to ride.  We crammed in on one side to allow a mother and daughter to ride with us.

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