

Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Milestones!!

Luke decided that today would be a day of performances. The first one, not a good one at all!

We have been struggling to get Luke to take a bottle. He took the first two like a champ and we thought we would have no problems getting him to take a bottle. We were WRONG! After the first two, he would refuse and gag himself and choke on the bottle. Kyle enjoyed none of this, as he's the one giving the bottles. We finally emailed our pediatrician to get some advice, although we knew what he would say. We were right. I also got the advice of some other mommy friends. So this morning, I hid in our room and Kyle got up with Luke and tried to feed him at 7:30. It was a no go. I had bought several different bottles with different nipples on them to try. Kyle tried on and off until 9:30 when Luke at 3 oz. Not a full feeding, but close. So we called it a success. He went from 3:30am to 9:30 am with out eating. Kyle's going to start giving Luke one bottle a day at differing times. I have a meeting after church tomorrow, so he'll feed him them and attemp until he eats, and I will stay away until the meeting is over or Luke eats, whatever comes first. Then, Monday, Kyle will feed Luke at his 10:30 feeding. Our goal in all of this is to hire a babysitter once in a while...something I know Kyle is looking forward to. He likes to go out to the movies, and hasn't been able to. I'd like to be able to play Bunco with the girls at church one evening a month....

Also today was Luke's first official giggle. He's been working on giggling for a few weeks now, but finally mastered the task this evening. He giggled several times in a row, and there was no mistaking it. Our new goal in life will be to catch this event on video.

Luke also found his voice today. He's been doing some random cooing and noise making, and a few joyful noises unto his bear mobile that he loves so much...but tonight, it was just like he realized he could make noises ON PURPOSE! WHENEVER HE WANTED TO!! Needless to say, it was REALLY cute. I think finding his voice had something to do with the giggling as well.

Luke will be three months old this coming Friday, the 18th. I plan on taking him to the pediatrician on that day for a weigh check, so you can be looking for that update in a week. Kyle and I suspect he might be in the 12's now. He also seems longer to me. I'm excited and sad at the same time to see how much he's grown.

We're beginning on working on sleeping through the night. I added another feeding. His last feeding of the evening had been at 8pm and then he'll wake up once in the night...usually between 3 and 4. So, as of last night, I'm feeding him at 10:30 as well. He still got up at his usual 3:30am last night, but I'm hoping he'll extend that to later now. We'll see. He's really growing up!

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