Friday, April 18, 2008

6 months today!

Today was a big day for Luke. We went to the doctor and he got weighed (15lbs 8oz) and measured (26" long). He's growing pretty steadily, but not freakishly so. He also ate rice cereal for the first time today. Or should I say, didn't eat rice cereal, but spat it out and let it dribble down his chin. We did put a bib on his little naked body, but now, I don't really know why. His skin is easier to clean. Pictures of that to come. He is also starting to get up on all fours more, but he's not close to going anywhere yet. I need to catch a picture of his new trick. He also pulled halfway up a few days ago. He didn't know how to scoot his hands to stand all the way up, so he got stuck...until he forgot to hold on, fell backward into my hands and scared himself silly.
Now, he's upstairs taking a nap after having a snack and a screaming fit. He had a temp of 99, but I don't really know what the cause was. I think maybe his little legs were hurting him from the shots...who knows. But I went ahead and gave him some Tylenol anyway. I had given him a dose before we went, but he didn't have a temp and seemed happy, so after his 4 hours had lapsed I didn't re-med him...and I'm thinking I should have. I don't like to give him medicine if he doesn't need it. In the past he's run a low grade temp the day of shots and the day we'll see what he does this time.
Caption winner: Anonymous (Also known as Michael Olson) submitted, "Dude, are you serious? The Sooners?!!!??

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