I think this is the sweetest picture ever.
Our Spring session for Body and Soul begins April 5th. There are classes all over the metro (all different varieties, too!). The class I co-teach is at Quail Springs church of Christ MWF from 9:15-10:15 with FREE childcare. There is a 2 for 1 discout. So a current student can bring a brand new person and they will each receive 50% off. Each class is $3.50. If you have any questions just comment.
Easter is coming up. I'll have to do an Easter post. Luke and I decorated eggs on Tuesday as our "structured play time" (that part was for you Audra =)) Last year it was rainy so he had to hunt eggs inside. It's supposed to be nice on Sunday so hopefully he'll get to hunt outside this year. Leta will probably get the shaft. She's too little for Easter. Luke is excited for a chocolate bunny. On his "New Veggie Tales In The Sink" as he refers to "Rack, Shack, and Benny" they sing, "The Bunny Song" which he really enjoys and now has his heart set on a chocolate bunny for Easter. We'll see if the Easter bunny provides or not =).
We've had great weather here lately. Very warm. Very windy. It's nice to be able to get outside more.
I'm enjoying our At Home Day schedule. Luke likes it too, although when I told him it was Chore Time, he said, "Is chore time over?" BUT he did get to work the dust buster today, and he was all about that. It's helping our mornings to feel like they're going faster and I'm accomplishing our bible time, which was something I've said I wanted to do with him for quite some time now, but never actually did. We read about Noah out of "a real" bible this morning.
Kyle and Traver's opportunity to buy that website didn't work out. So now they're building a new timeshare website. It will be www. TimeshareClassifieds dot com. It's not up yet so there isn't anything to look at. He's been busy working on the resort database and had a little personal party yesterday after his completion of all the Florida resorts. (There are about 500).
This post doesn't seem that random to me, just sort of update-y. Oh well.
Kyle and I had our first date night since Leta was born. Actually since...well, I don't remember when. Mabye our anniversary this past summer? That is sad. Needless to say, we were excited about our 2 1/2 hours of freedom. We went out to eat and EACH ordered dessert (which neither one of us could finish and had to bring home) and then we went to the grocery store.
Kyle decided he wanted apple pie for his birthday. I think that was my first apple pie all the way from scratch myself. When we made them growing up, mom always had the filling canned from our own apple tree, so I could just dump a jar of that in. It turned out really well. Brandon and Shanna Hayes came over with supper that Sunday night and helped us eat it.
Also, that Sunday was the first time for the Oakdale church of Christ to meet. It is a church plant of the Memorial Road church of Christ. We met in a different area of MR for worship last Sunday. There were probably close to 100 in attendance (including children). It was mostly younger families with younger kids, so we were happy to see that. We will continue to meet in Memorial Rd. until September when we'll move to meeting in the Oakdale Elementary school. We'll meet there until the new building is finished. I am very excited about this new church plant and have every reason to hope that it will have all the things I LOVE about Memorial Road with out the massive size. I think we will be very happy there.
Leta should be waking soon to eat so I need to go finish my "Me" time by reading one of the 3 books I'm working on: Becoming Childwise, Making the Terrible Two's Terrific and Training Hearts, Teaching Minds. I don't know if all this reading will equip me or make me feel like a failure. We'll see! = P