

Friday, January 22, 2010

Leta's first Doctor Visit

Yes. She really IS this cute.

Leta had her first Doctors appointment today. She was successful and did a good job. Luke didn't think Dr. Stephen's should get to hold her, though so he had to sit on the exam table with them to monitor him to make sure he treated his baby sister right.

Leta weighed 7 lbs 2oz so she's gained back to her birth weight, plus some. And that time I put her in the dryer, I must have used to high of a setting because she is now 19 1/2 in. and the nurse was pulling her leg as straight as it would go, so I think the 20" they told us at the hospital was a little off.

The first night home she was horrible and would sleep or be soothed...until 7:30 in the morning, when she went to sleep perfectly in her pack-n-play. Ever since then, she's been terrific with having 2-3 times of wakefulness during the day. She's been sleeping close to 4 hrs at a stretch at night with her morning wake up time at 7:30. Since she's back to her birth weight, she may now go 5 hours the first stretch if she will and then 4 hrs and then 3 during the day etc. I'm excited to set my alarm for a 5 hr stretch tonight, although I'm quite sure the alarm won't be needed and she'll be getting me before then. But, one can always hope.

We're slowly adjusting to being a family of 4. Luke loves his sister and doesn't blame her for him not being the center of my world anymore, but he missed his place there none-the-less. He's been very cranky every day since we've come home and hasn't been sleeping as late in the mornings as normal or as long at nap time either. We're working on it. He also thinks I should do nothing besides play with him when I'm not nursing Leta. I've been working on putting my laundry away since Monday, and my shower last night at 8:15 was my first one since Monday. But, no one has starved yet. Kyle is looking a little gaunt, but other than that...

I am trying to nap in the afternoons when Luke goes down for his nap, but it doesn't always work. Today is one of those days. The doctors appointment this morning threw off Leta's nursing schedule so she'll eat again during my nap time (how rude!), but at least I'm going to get some things done. So I guess I'll just have to live with today's tiredness.

Monday Johnny came and took newborn pictures of Leta for us. There are a few at the top of this post. You can see Luke doing his "monkey face". A new favorite.

Leta has also been a side sleeper up until now, I just put her on her tummy for the first time. She's asleep right now so I guess she likes it just fine. We'll see.


  1. She has grown so much since I held her a week ago. Beautiful!

  2. She is a cutie. I can't wait to see her in person.

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