

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Here are my resolutions from last year. How did I do?
For Myself
  1. Always make plenty of time for my bible study --D
  2. Send birthday cards --F
  3. Do a better job maintaining a picked up house, especially kitchen --C
  4. More consistency with Luke --B

For Luke

  1. Learn some words --A+
  2. Less whining --C
  3. No touching the microwave --C

Luke for Mommy

  1. Stop wiping my nose/hands/face --F
  2. Longer bath time --B
  3. Play outside more --B
Hopefully I'll do better this year!

For myself:
1. More intentional with time spent
2. Maintain a clean kitchen
3. Always make time for bible study
4. Be more consistent with Luke
5. Send Birthday cards!
6. Lose the baby weight (plus some!) and get back into shape!!

For Luke:
1. Less whining.
2. Come when I tell him.
3. Obey more consistently with a quicker response time.
4. Play by himself while I'm nursing Leta.
5. Potty trained.

Luke for Mommy:
1. Play in the park/outside more.
2. Stop wiping my face.
3. More baths/ water fun!

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