We went for my brother's graduation. He just finished his doctorate in microbiology. Definitely an occasion worth a 7 1/2 hour drive. We left here Thursday morning and got to their place in Omaha around 4ish. (Luke didn't sleep the whole way). The boys were very excited to see each other. MUCH squealing. They had a ton of fun together. Luke slept poorly Thursday night so he left Michael's graduation Friday morning with Grandpa before it even began. He did take a short nap in my dad's arms. He's good like that. I would've never gotten Luke down. Friday night they had a get together at their house to continue the celebration and their friends from Lincoln came with their little girl who is 10 months old. Luke kissed her AT LEAST 10 times. No exaggeration.
Saturday we went to the Omaha zoo with Michael, Audra, Solomon, and The Baby Sister, my parents and my grandparents. They had a lot of fun seeing all the animals and did really good, both of them being exhausted. Saturday evening the boys had a bath together, which I tried to videotape, but the camcorder wouldn't work.
We went to the park several times. Luke really liked the sand and swinging.
Every time Luke would wake up he would immediately ask for Solomon. One time when Solomon had been put down for a nap, but he wasn't asleep yet, we heard him upstairs saying, "Play with Luke, Play with Luke!". We took them to the park and as we were leaving and walking up the hill, Solomon escaped and ran down the hill yelling, "Come on Luke". One evening we were having leftover homemade ice cream (YUM!) for a snack and both Luke and Solomon were sharing bites with Michael, and every time Michael would give Luke a bite, Solomon would walk over to me and say, "Luke you share with Rachel!" And on Tuesday morning before we left, while the boys were eating breakfast together Solomon told Luke: "You're a fake boy. Not a real boy. A fake boy!" Solomon is so funny. I miss him already. And I suppose Michael and Audra a bit, too.
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