It's been just another week at the Soper house somewhat. We've had rain every day and Wednesday evening the storms got bad enough to knock out our internet for 2 days. My wireless still hasn't adequately recovered. It works for about a minute at a time. Don't really know what the deal is with that.
Kyle: So Thursday with no internet, Kyle went outside to work and get caught up on some things outside. Luke couldn't handle being inside while daddy was outside, so Luke got his shovel and went out to help his Daddy. The pictures are all from Thursday. Kyle's uncle, Steve, built him a new computer with all sorts of things I don't understand and he came over Friday morning to deliver it and help Kyle get it set up so Kyle has been messing with his new toy. Today he is helping Traver's friend move. We ordered a playset for Luke and it came in. It is supposed to take 2 men 48 hours to put together. So. Kyle will be busy. For, like, EVER. We have found a place in the yard that can be seen from the bedroom, living room and kitchen windows. Not that Luke is allowed to play outside by himself, but you know....one day.
Luke: Is obsessed with outside. That's all he wants to do and all he talks about. He is really repeating a lot of words we say and sounds we make and is pretty funny. Luke will have his last swimming lesson this coming Tuesday. He loves them. He "jumps" in and will go all the way under (with my help of course).
Traver: Is still coming out here two days a week, Mondays and Thursdays. He has started writing a blog on VTR also. I don't know how long he's been doing that...probably forever, but I just found out the other day so Kyle and I were reading them. A week or so ago when Traver was leaving one night after supper he said bye to Luke and Luke immediately puckered up and needed a kiss goodbye from Traver. So sweet. He also had a roommate ditch him and has already replaced him. I think Traver really enjoys helping people move. You should give him a call if you need his services *wink.
Rachel: I've been doing Body and Soul stuff. I'm coordinating our summer boot camps so I've been getting teaching schedules together and trying to change up our workout so it won't feel like the same thing as our past boot camps. I'm also working on getting approved by Body and Soul to teach their Power Strength classes (siminilar to Push/Pull classes if you're familiar). The triceps song is killing me. I don't know if I'll make it. Ruth Ann (our Area director) says they're really tough on these and about only 1/3 of auditions get approved so we'll see. If I never mention it again, that means I didn't get approved =). I also went to the dentist the other day. Please make your non-tax deductable donations to: The Rachel Soper Wisdom Teeth Extraction/Cavity Fund. Yikes. My wisdom teeth are scheduled to be yanked June 12th, but I put my name on their cancellation list so possibly sooner. And I go in on the 22nd to get some cavities filled. Fun Fun.
Good deals: I haven't posted any good deals lately, and I know you're all missing them. I did get 5 lbs of apples free right before I went to Nebraska and yesterday I went to Target and got 10 Hershey Bliss dark chocolate bars for free and 10 snack size bags of Quaker Granola bites. Luke really enjoys them. I also got cheap Wheat Thins and Ritz Crackers. I didn't however take a picture. I appologize. I'm such a slacker.
Note: If you need information on where to mail your non-tax deductable check or to volunteer to help put together a playset, feel free to comment or email. =)
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