Cute Luke Story: Tonight at supper, Luke was telling us what/who he wanted to tell God thank you for, as he does every night. Tonight he said, Traver, Mommy, then looked at Kyle. And just looked with this VERY mischevious grin and burst out in huge belly laughs. Because he was on purpose "forgetting" Daddy. Cracked us all up.
Swimming lessons start tomorrow as does the Lapsit program at our local library. Luke loves that program. They play, sing, play games and read a story. He has no idea how much fun he's going to have tomorrow! Now that Kyle will be going to the same gym we take swimming lessons from, mabye I'll be able to get some pictures of Luke swimming. He's very splashy.
PS I made the Italian Omlet tonight with Mom's hashbrowns and they were both a hit. I'll have to include the Italian Omlet recipe in my next Meal Plan post. Very yummy and very inexpensive to make. Me gusta!!
I think this quilt is more girly than boyish. I think you did good. I love it. Can't wait to see it all together.