Luke riding "Leta's" car wearing his protective gear he got from Grandpa Wilbur and Gigi.

Luke loves his baby sister!

Letters for Leta's room. Now we just have to get them hung.
But, things are better on all fronts. Leta is a good sleeper and doing well at night for her age (3 weeks this past Wednesday). I generally feed her around 10:30, 3:30 and 7:30. Sometimes she likes to mess with me though and not get to comfortable with this night-time nursing schedule =).
We are all finally feeling all better (Kyle got the horrible cold last so he is still recovering more than the rest of us). I got pink eye this past week (what!?! I have NO idea how that happened. I don't know anyone who's had it and I haven't even left the house hardly!) Hopefully I'll be the only one to catch that.
Luke is doing MUCH better. We're back to our normal sleeping schedule for him. HUGE HALLELUJAH! He still will have fussy days, but overall is back to his normal self. We do have this conversation a lot:
Me: OK, Luke! Leta is hungry it's time for me to feed her.
Luke: No, Mommy. Leta not hungry.
Kyle is running unattached at an OC indoor track meet held in Norman today. His second one this season. He's hoping to improve his time. We'll see. I told him he shouldn't run because he's sick. Hopefully he runs well and doesn't overdo it and make himself feel worse.
Last night was a first for us. We went out to eat at "The Kangaroo Restaurant" as Luke calls Outback, as a family of four. Leta fell asleep about 10 minutes after we got there and Luke ate well. It was deemed a success and we might even try it again sometime!
Tomorrow is the Sip and See for Leta and I so I'm looking forward to that. I'll be out of the house and with other adults!
Monday if the weather is good and Leta has her morning at 7:30, then I plan on taking Luke to childcare at Body & Soul, Leta and I running errands at Target and then going back to B&S to pick Luke up and let the girls take a gander at Leta since they've never met her before! It will be good to be out of the house again and I think Luke will enjoy playing with all his friends at Body and Soul.
And, I'm in the process of scheduling a cleaning for our rugs. After 3 years of living on them, it's time.
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