

Sunday, December 13, 2009

La la la la

Luke is really into singing songs right now and especially editing the words to songs and creating his own "Luke version". I wrote in an earlier post how Luke doesn't want us singing "Jesus Loves Me" but "Jesus Loves Luke".

Tonight before bed we sang "Day 2", also known as the Creation Song. When we got to day 7, Luke did NOT want God resting in heaven, but on his pillow. We then sang Old McDonald. And on his farm tonight he first had a "Snuggle Bunny" followed by a Sailboat that said "Fish Fish". Then he requested Row Row Row Your Boat. But his boat doesn't row gently down the stream, it rows gently on the water. Finally we sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"...the only song that didn't need revisions tonight. Maybe he'll grow up to be a song writer. Who knows!

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