

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seen and Heard

Luke-ism from today. (There were 2 so far, but I forgot one...)

Me: Did you tell Leta thank you?
Luke:  No.  Because we do not have to say thank you to people who live in this house.

I quickly corrected him, don't worry.

Since I got all excited on Tuesday and didn't check my training plan, I ran .5 miles farther than I was supposed to.  Oh the HORRORS!  Anyway, I didn't want to repeat THAT mistake today ;) especially since it was raining outside so I opted to run on the treadmill. I'm glad we have it for mornings such as this, but boy was I glad to get off of it!  Bor. Ing.  Since running on the TM is easier, I set the incline at 1 and got truckin'.  I did .25 mile mostly walking warm up and a .25 mostly walking cool down.  The slowest I ran was 6.1  increasing my speed intermittently until I started the last full mile, which I started off at 7 mph and finished at 7.5mph.  I thought I was going to die.  That's pretty speedy for the likes of me.

I went to see my friend who's  PT and she looked at my knee yesterday.  She gave me some stretches and some strength training moves to do.  So we'll see.  My knee felt pretty good today.  Started feeling it around 3.3 miles, but either it stopped hurting or I was to distracted by thoughts of possibly dying from running and wondering how long it would take Kyle to come and find me.  Up next: 5 mile run on Saturday.

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