Kyle: Kyle has been very busy lately. He has a few really big projects going currently. He is also considering a partnership with Traver on a Timeshare website. His "no compete" clause from selling Vacation Timeshare Rentals expired and so he's now free to do so. However, this is FAR from a done deal, so who knows if it will materialize or not. He is also back into running competitively, which I think I mentioned earlier. He has run in...3? 4? meets now. There are a few upcoming that he plans on running in as well. The next one is in Overland Park, KS. I think it's next weekend. Anyway. That has been keeping him busy, too and he's really enjoying it, although there are many reasons for me telling him that he's old now =) He was plagued with injuries and issues early on, but they seem to be improving and not occurring as frequently. He just completed our gathering information for our taxes today and will take them to the accountant. We are pretty sure it will be bad news and that we'll be paying more than we anticipated. So. Anyone wanna come over for some Ramen Noodles?
Rachel: My update isn't nearly as exciting as anyone elses...so feel free to skip =). I'm still trying to get into the swing of things with two kids and get everyone on a manageable schedule. I think I'm doing pretty well myself. Current schedule (because if I don't write it, there will be nothing else for me to say!) 7:30: Wake up time for Leta 8-8:30 Wake up time for Luke 10:30 Leta's morning snack 11:30 Lunch for Luke and I 12:30 Luke's nap 1:30 Leta's early afternoon snack 3:30 Luke's nap time is over! 4:00 Leta's late afternoon snack 5:30 Supper time for the Fam! 6:30 Leta's early evening snack 8:00 Bed for Luke 8:30 Leta's bedtime snack 10:30 Leta's late night nursing. I'm also back at Body and Soul MWF. It feels so good to exercise again. And with Luke's behavior lately I NEED the stress relief! I tell ya...being pregnant and then taking 5 weeks off postpartum will get you OUT OF SHAPE!!! So I'm working on that. Leta is "pulling a Luke" and staying home with Kyle while Luke and I go to Body and Soul.
Luke: Is still adjusting to having a sister (whom he dearly loves) and learning how to treat her. He's only thrown her once, which I suppose I should consider a success. He is still more stressed out by life than he was pre Leta. One VERY nice change in him is that he is getting back to being a "Daddy's boy". This has happened within the past week. He was very much one before Leta, but after her he became very clingy to me and didn't want to have much to do with Kyle at all. However, that is changing so it makes is much easier for Kyle to help me out by distracting Luke during Leta's early evening sack. He is in a very challenging parenting phase right now and spends a good portion of his day in time out and recovering from getting "swats". He is singing lots of different songs these days. Some that we sing together and some that he learns in bible school. His current favorites are: Peter, James, and John in a Sailboat and Roll the Gospel Chariot. He also likes them to be sung, "Real Fast". He is also picking up on "grammer rules". He will often pluralize in this way, "carses, trainses, cupses etc." He is also very in to telling Kyle that he missed him when he gets back from the gym. It's so sweet to hear. Luke is very much becoming a little boy and not so much of a toddler.
Leta: Leta is 7 weeks old today. She also weighs approximately 11 lbs. and is wearing 0-3 month clothes. She has outgrown one outfit in this size range so far, but I think it was on the smaller side of things. But they are all fitting her, which probably means our 0-3 month days are numbered. So says our scale when I weighed myself first with her and then without. She smiles a lot. She is big into our crown molding and ceiling fan as Luke was. She also likes "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". She is pretty good at rolling over from tummy to back and does it pretty frequently. She is a good night sleeper. I nurse her at 8:30 and then she goes down to bed. I wake her at 10:30 to "top off her tank". She doesn't eat much and I never see her eyes during this feeding. Then she usually wakes up once in the night to eat. Her latest to wake up to date is 5:15am. Then she goes back down until I get her up to "begin her day" at 7:30. She prefers to sleep on her side and likes to be swaddled. She only has 2 blankets large enough to swaddle her in. However, she's getting so strong...or maybe I'm just not that good at swaddling that she escapes those so I had my Grandma Olson make a swaddle pod like in the pictures in the post below. I got the first one in the mail from her the other day and we have a bit of tweaking to do before it's mastered, but they are large enough for her now and she has room to grow. She can track objects with her eyes, bear her weight on her legs (she doesn't do this as much as Luke did) and lift her head pretty well during tummy time. She is also becoming much less of a "bobble head" as Kyle calls it, but you have to be ready because that huge noggin of hers will take an unexpected dive. She is also starting to get baby acne like Luke did. We can also see some new hair growth on the top of her head. We aren't 100% sure, but we think it looks like she will end up with darker hair.
I'm behind in my recipe plans. I know. Too bad. You'll just have to get over it! We had lots of meals brought to us after Leta was born so you only missed 1 or two. Anyway. Here's the current one.
Meal Plan
Shepherd's Pie
Chili Corn bread
Easy Chicken and Pasta
Poppyseed Chicken
French Toast
Chicken Penne Italiano
Pizza Bread
Chicken Bundles
Chicken Bundles (we had these brought to us after Leta was born and it was SO yummy. I opted for reduced fat versions, left out 4 T of butter and added poultry seasoning and red pepper flakes)
6oz reduced fat cream cheese
1 1/2 tsp dried chives
2 T milk
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp poultry seasoning
1 pinch red pepper flakes
4 c cubed chicken, cooked
2 (80z) cans refrigerated reduced fat crescent rolls
Cook chicken in poultry seasoning and red pepper flakes. Mix cream cheese, chives, milk, salt and pepper until smooth. Stir in chicken. Unroll crescent roll dough and separate into 8 rectangles. Press portions together. Spoon about 1/2 cup chicken mixture onto the center of each rectangle. Bring edges together and pinch to seal. Place on baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes at 350.
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